Keller, A.G. and Kelly, R.P. eDNAjoint: an R package for interpreting paired or semi-paired environmental DNA and traditional survey data in a Bayesian framework. (Accepted) Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Code | User guide
Keller, A.G., Counihan, T.D., Grosholz, E.D., Boettiger, C. The transition from resistance to acceptance: managing a marine invasive species in a changing world. (2025). Journal of Applied Ecology. Link | PDF | Code
Goldstein, B.R., Keller, A.G., Calhoun, K.L., Barker, K.J., Montealegre-Mora, F., Serota, M.W., Van Scoyoc, A., Parker-Shames, P., Androzzi, C., de Valpine, P. How do ecologists estimate occupancy in practice? (2024). Ecography. Link
Betters, M., Stabbins, A., Keller, A.G., Cordes, E.E. (2023). Biogeography and depth partitioning in deep‐sea gastropods at the Pacific Costa Rica Margin. Journal of Biogeography. 50(12), 2109-2121. Link
Montealegre-Mora, F., Chapman, M., Keller, A.G., Lapeyolerie, M., Boettiger, C. (2023). Pretty darn good control: when are approximate solutions better than approximate models? Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 85, 95. Link
Keller, A.G., Dahlhoff, E.P., Bracewell, R., Chatla, K., Bachtrog, D., Rank, N.E., Williams, CM. (2023). Multi-locus genomic signatures of local adaptation to snow across the landscape in California populations of the willow leaf beetle. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 290(2005). Link | PDF
Keller, A.G., Grason, E. McDonald, P.S., Ramón-Laca, A., Kelly, R.P. (2022). Tracking an invasion front with environmental DNA. Ecological Applications. e2561. Link | PDF | Code
Jacobs-Palmer, E., Gallego, R., Cribari, K., Keller A.G., Kelly, R.P. (2021). Environmental DNA Metabarcoding for Simultaneous Monitoring and Ecological Assessment of Many Harmful Algal Bloom Taxa. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9: 612107. Link | PDF
Keller, A.G., Apprill, A., Lebaron, P., Robbins, J., Romano, T., Overton, E., Yuan, R., Rong, Y., Pollara, S., Whalen, K. (2021). Characterizing the culturable surface microbiomes of diverse marine animals. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 97, fiab040. Link | PDF
Goffredi, S.K., Tilic, E., Mullin, S.W., Dawson, K.S., Keller, A.G., Lee, R.W., Wu, F., Levin, L.A., Rouse, G., Cordes, E.E., Orphan, V.J. (2020). Methanotrophic bacterial symbionts fuel dense populations of deep-sea feather duster worms (Sabellida, Annelida) and extend the spatial influence of methane seepage. Science Advances. 6: eaay8562. Link | PDF
Auscavitch, S.R., Deere, M.C., Keller, A.G., Rotjan, R.D., Shank, T.M., Cordes, E.E. (2020). Oceanographic Drivers of Deep-Sea Coral Species Distribution and Community Assembly on Seamounts, Islands, Atolls, and Reefs Within the Phoenix Islands Protected Area. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:42. Link | PDF
In review
Acharya-Patel, N., Cram, K., Groenwold, E.T., Lee, H., Keller, A.G., Bomback, B., Lyons, S., Warren, R.L., Coombe, L. Lowe, C., Bergman, L.C., Bishay, F., Birol, I., MacDonald, T.A., Helbing, C.C. Monitoring marine pollution effects through targeted environmental DNA (eDNA) testing in the Pacific Northwest. Marine Pollution Bulletin.